Yuliana Torrejón

WORK AREA: Marketing & Communications departament

ROLE WITHIN THE DEPARTAMENT: sponsorship coordinator

COLLEGE CAREER: Mehanical engineering

DESCRIPTION: I joined Antakari solar team to be able to acquire new knowledge and develop my skills as a future professional, putting into practice teamwork, leadership and communication, in addition to being significantly important for the technological and energy area of the country, since the project directly affects the generation of clean energy in Chile.

RANDOM THINGS: In my free time I like to go for a walk with my Badu dog, I like to make macrame crafts, sometimes draw or paint, always looking for something creative or artistic, I like to connect with nature in search of insects, so be able to photograph them.

MAIL: yuliana.torrejon@userena.cl

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yuliana-torrej%C3%B3n-varela-4b15171b7/