Matias Ojeda

WORK AREA: Technical departament


PROFESSION: Mechanical engineer

DESCRIPTION: Since I entered the university, the Intikallpa project carried out by the Antakari team has caught my attention. I consider myself a curious person, who likes to know how things work, a quality that every Mechanical Engineer carries in their blood. In 2022 I graduated as a Mechanical Engineer and I decided to take the big step of joining the Antakari team. The first task they assigned me was to draw up the plans for the Intikallpa VI front suspension, in order to have the components manufactured, which gave me makes me very happy since one of my favorite areas of engineering is mechanical design.

RANDOM THINGS: I really like to do sports, like going mountain biking to Cerro Grande and stand up paddle boarding in La Herradura, I also like to go to the gym, to keep fit and get rid of all the stress that comes from day to day.