Javier Márquez

WORK AREA: Marketing & Communications departament


COLLEGE CAREER: Mechanical engineer

DESCRIPTION: My incorporation to the Antakari solar team was when I was in the third year of my degree. My first approach was in one of their exhibitions in the corridors of the University, an instance that caught my attention the desire and motivation of the Team, from that moment I knew that I wanted to be part of this wonderful team. Personally, my intention is to help with my ideas, motivation and disposition towards the project to achieve first place in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge solar vehicle competition and thus demonstrate through results the effort and dedication that exists in the team. I have been fortunate to be able to participate in various activities that have enhanced my organizational, leadership, effective communication, and teamwork skills that have been useful both personally and professionally. We face new challenges every day in which I want to continue to be present, to continue stimulating decision-making, good communication and good leadership that prevails over each of the members, without a doubt it has been a spectacular experience of which I am happy to belong.

RANDOM THINGS: My hobbies are playing sports, I love everything that includes physical activity, I like to cultivate my interpersonal relationships, I am fascinated by nature and the environment, technology, participating in activities that help the community and others, I like to investigate how things work as well as to know what are the principles that govern it and finally I love sharing respect with people and generating good relationships.

MAIL: javier.marquez@userena.cl

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/javiermarquezramirezengineer/