Diego Diaz

WORK AREA: Marketing & Communications.

ROLE WITHIN THE DEPARTAMENT: Director of Legislative Communication


DESCRIPTION: I joined the Antakari solar team in the second semester of 2022, in the third year of my degree. The first challenge I faced was to do photography training and plan digital communication proposals for the solar car in the main social networks of the organization. That is why we decided to divide the functions into 2 teams and form new work teams in order to better develop the functions of the Marketing and Communications department in its two directions: Legislative and Executive Management and Audiovisual and Digital Production. At this time we are working to specify all the spaces for sponsors where we can make visible the achievements and contributions of the solar car project in the Coquimbo Region, to the University of La Serena and to the country, in environmental and renewable energy matters.

RANDOM THINGS: I have been diagnosed with ADHD since I was a child and it is hard for me to pay attention to people and teachers, I am easily distracted in class, I have to underline everything with highlighters. I’ve been playing basketball since 2016, it’s just a hobby, I’m not a fan, I did theater in 2018, ending with an artistic gala that same year. Since I was a kid I like to draw (although I do pure things in black and white), then I got to know the reel and I forgot about drawing upuntou.

MAIL: diego.diazm@userena.cl

LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/diego-diaz-36b564256/