Miguel Rodriguez

WORK AREA: Technical departament

ROLE WITHIN THE DEPARTAMENT: in charge of the front suspension

COLLEGE CAREER: Mechanical civil engineering

DESCRIPTION: I joined the team in my fifth year of college, which was quite a challenge for me, since I had to put the theoretical knowledge learned at the university into practice. Undoubtedly the achievements have been to improve teamwork, self-learning, effective communication and decision making.

RANDOM THINGS: I like sports like volleyball, basketball, paddle tennis, cycling, table tennis, among others. My hobbies are playing video games, watching videos about auto mechanics, watching animated series, going for a walk, fishing, among others.

MAIL: mrodriguez20@alumnosuls.cl

LINKEDIN: https://cl.linkedin.com/in/miguel-%C3%A1ngel-rodr%C3%ADguez-richards-80a504122